
industrial bearing companies
The companies de industrial bearings supply parts that guarantee the operation of machinery that works with very high levels of demand, used in various sectors. However, for better functioning, these parts require prior maintenance, as well as an inspection service to assess the need for optimization, repair or replacement.
Industrial bearing companies not only manufacture new parts, but also perform services of optimization, renovation and reuse of bearings, in order to promote the best functioning of the parts, avoiding excessive expenses.
Bearing optimization is a technological and totally national process, developed by the best industrial bearing companies, which aim to prolong the bearing's useful life twice or more, in specific cases. Through the optimization process, industrial bearing companies are able to detect several faults, which can be repaired in order to guarantee the best functioning of the part.
Among the main defects that can be repaired are the following:
Concentrated load wear;
Hardening – clearance in the cage;
Clearance in the separator ring;
Oxidation and wear of the rollers;
High roughness;
Another crucial point is that, in most cases, the bearing can undergo the optimization process more than once, prolonging even more the useful life of the part and guaranteeing savings that can reach up to 80%, in relation to the exchange of parts. .
Therefore, the inspection and the optimization project must be carried out by a company of reference in the market, which guarantees its experience in the most diverse levels of demand to ensure, indirectly, a recommendation of the services.
One of the industrial bearing companies, a pioneer in the field of optimization, renovation and reuse of bearings, Intacta Rolamentos has become one of the references in the field, with excellent services and proprietary techniques. The company also has several management certifications and awards for excellence in the field of industrial bearings, such as the Master Cana award – one of the most traditional in the sugar-energy sector, which the company has won for ten consecutive years.
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